Our Projects
Tankweld delivers piping, mechanical and structural design, specialist fabrication, onsite installation, project management and maintenance services for a range of specialist industries.

Boneo WP Clarifier Installation
Construction of a new clarifier was undertaken, and Tankweld were tasked with assembling and installing all mechanical components for
this clarifier.

ETP Sludge Digestion Capacity Upgrade
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Tankweld was subcontracted to fabricate and install free-issued mechanical equipment, along with fabricating and installing associated structures, stainless steel piping and pipe supports.

Healesville STP Sludge Tank
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Tankweld was required to design, construct and install a new 225KL litre open-top steel tank consisting of multiple compartments.

WTP Biogas Gas Scrubbers Installation
Tankweld was engaged to install four FRP Biogas Scrubber Units for processing raw water and fuel gas of a green-field gas scrubber system.

WTP MSCL Piping – Ø1015 O.D.
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TBV-JV engaged Tankweld to fabricate and install over 500 metres of DN1000 MSCL piping along with pump station equipment, associated valves and fixed and sliding-type
pipe supports.

Lang Lang Sewerage Treatment Plant
Tankweld had been engaged for site-wide mechanical installation of machinery and to plant, fabricate and install stainless steel pipework, pipe supports, structural steel fabrications, walkways and access stairs.

ETP- WAS Capacity Upgrade
Tankweld was subcontracted to deliver the project, which involved the fabrication and installation of many mechanical systems.